Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Simpur-Adidas Shout-Out

[Rano's Site: it's cool to be online]
Written by GL

As soon as we heard word that Classic Articulation and The House Of El were featured on Rano's site, we were totally flummoxed (that means 'surprised') as Kal-El and I were under the impression that our readers were the strong but silent types.

It's pretty cool how far a blog reaches when it's been around for long enough. But, we would both have to admit that from time to time it does get a little trying to be free enough to get online to add in new updates: I guess, it all comes down to passion.

Just thinking back: I could be a rich guy if I could get 50 cents from every person whose thrown me a weird glance for spending days and days stalking through toy departments and children's sections: it all comes down to passion.

A big shout out to Rano and Simpur for encouraging bloggers to blog and for taking this little hamlet of Brunei online - we have to move with the times, but we still have to stay retro, we have to stay classic.

I don't mind the votes, but the support is what is most rewarding - knowing that that niche culture is here at home too. This blog was only started this year and it's still cool to be a geek.

But ladies and gentlemen, that's not the end of the story for Kal-El and I. We have big, big plans for this coming year. Trust me - plans that will knock your retro socks off.

I encourage everyone to keep their ears to the ground and to watch and wait as we move to the next level of toy-worship.

Be safe, all our friends. May next year be a good year. For everyone.