Written By Kal-El
The past few weeks, I’ve done two of three Specials on the Centurions, In this week’s edition of the Centurion Special, we gladly bring to you true fans, The Brilliant Sea Operations Commander, Max Ray. Just to jog our memory, we all know that Centurion Ace McCloud covers the Aerial attacks and Jake Rockwell, Max Ray was the Centurion’s underwater agent who takes good care of any attacks on and deep in the waters.
Max Ray, as a college student at the age of 14, Max manages to build his own nuclear powered Submarine, He is the only ever to water-ski across the Atlantic Ocean. For a form of any exercise, he spends most of his time in the ocean, swimming across and making friends in the ocean world with oceanic fishes.
Max Ray, as a college student at the age of 14, Max manages to build his own nuclear powered Submarine, He is the only ever to water-ski across the Atlantic Ocean. For a form of any exercise, he spends most of his time in the ocean, swimming across and making friends in the ocean world with oceanic fishes.

As by default, if you did get his line of action figure set, he is actually made water proof, same goes to all other Centurions toys, except their not fire proof so, please don’t try that at home kids. Anyways, Max’s default weapon assault system is the Cruiser. A Basic sea operating SCUBA system, bolted on with a gun and a missile that could easily maneuver Max’s attacks in the sea, but with a small amount of firing power to battle Doc Terror’s Drone Submariners.

[Tidal Blast]
With that, Tidal Blast is the second additional assault system to add to Max’s weaponry arsenal. It is known to be larger than the Basic Cruiser weapon system as it is a larger undersea system with attached two torpedoes and shoulder mounted grappling line, this enables him to hook himself out of trouble sometimes or when his is trapped in deep water spaces.
The third installment to his needs of sea attacks is called the Depth Charger; Depth Charger is a more heavier artillery weapon system as it also carries a Hydrogen Bomb to increase Max’s attacks under water. It is also a self contained submersible with torpedoes, a periscope and also a depth charge – Mine (Hydrogen Bomb).
Then there’s of course the Sea Bat. For which only came out later in the middle of the season episodes cartoon. And also a surface system with guns and missiles, similar to a manta ray in appearance. Also along side with the Fathom Fan – Assault weapon system resembling an Air boat with missiles and a small laser in the chest. Unfortunately, not all the weapon assault systems are available for me to post, so really sorry for that, I guess if you did managed to see them, then my friends consider your self alucky fan.

Then there’s of course the Sea Bat. For which only came out later in the middle of the season episodes cartoon. And also a surface system with guns and missiles, similar to a manta ray in appearance. Also along side with the Fathom Fan – Assault weapon system resembling an Air boat with missiles and a small laser in the chest. Unfortunately, not all the weapon assault systems are available for me to post, so really sorry for that, I guess if you did managed to see them, then my friends consider your self alucky fan.

[ The Centurions by Kenner 1986/1987 ]
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